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Perceptions and Attitudes of PLHIV, Key Populations and Health Professionals on the Factors Influencing HIV Testing Behaviour

Perceptions and Attitudes of PLHIV, Key Populations and Health Professionals on the Factors Influencing HIV Testing Behaviour
Perceptions and Attitudes of PLHIV, Key Populations and Health Professionals on the Factors Influencing HIV Testing Behaviour


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UNFPA / Tanadgoma


Perceptions and Attitudes of PLHIV, Key Populations and Health Professionals on the Factors Influencing HIV Testing Behaviour

Publication date

06 May 2021

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The goal of the presented study is to understand HIV testing challenges from behavioural lens, explore barriers and motivating factors related to HIV testing  behavour, identify modalities for HIV testing services that will be preferred by KPs and well-accepted by service providers.