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The National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) will conduct the 2024 census from November 15 to December 19. 

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which has been involved in censuses in Georgia since 2002, will once again provide Geostat with comprehensive technical support, including quality data assessment and analysis.

A bunch of people sitting on the chairs indoors. There are several cameras in the room too

At a news briefing, Geostat Executive Director Gogita Todradze announced that the census will update information on the population's size, sex, age, employment, education, health, income, and livelihoods. Additionally, data on household agricultural activities will be gathered.

Director of Geostat Gogita Todradze is standing in front of a large screen in front of people

Head of the UNFPA Georgia Country Office Mariam Bandzeladze emphasized the crucial role of quality data assessment and analysis in developing effective policies. 

“UNFPA's approach aligns with the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, which underscores the interconnectedness of people, development, and individual well-being, with a focus on human rights, especially in discussions on demographic resilience. We continue our steadfast cooperation with Geostat providing technical assistance throughout the census process and data analysis” - Mariam Bandzeladze said. 

Preliminary census results will be released in July 2025, with the final results expected in June 2026.