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Population Dynamics in Georgia - An Overview Based on the 2014 General Population Census Data

The National Statistics Office of Georgia and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Office in Georgia present: Population Dynamics in Georgia - An Overview Based on th...

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Gender Analysis of the 2014 General Population Census Data

The National Statistics Office of Georgia and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Office in Georgia present: Gender Analysis of the 2014 General Population Census Da...

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Ageing and Older Persons in Georgia - An Overview Based on the 2014 General Population Census Data

The National Statistics Office of Georgia and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Office in Georgia present Ageing and Older Persons in Georgia - An Overview Based o...

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The Cost of Free Contraceptives

This policy brief forecasts the cost of providing free contraceptives in Georgia in 2017-2019.

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Invest in family planning

Policy brief - Strengthening family planning policies and services for healthy families in Georgia

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State of World Population Report

The State of World Population 2017

Worlds Apart: Reproductive Health and Rights in an Age of Inequality ...

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State of World Population Report

The State of World Population 2017

Worlds Apart: Reproductive Health and Rights in an Age of Inequality ...

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Collection of Normative Acts on Prevention of Domestic Violence, Protection and Assistance of Victims of Domestic Violence

The Aforementioned Collection of Normative Acts is published under support of the UNFPA implemented Project “Combating Gender-Based Violence in the South Caucasus” ...

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Population Situation Analysis: Georgia 2014

The Population Situation Analysis (PSA) in Georgia is a comprehensive report that provides an integrated appraisal of the population and reproductive health dynamics and their link...

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