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UNFPA and MenCare campaign join Europe Day celebrations

UNFPA and MenCare campaign join Europe Day celebrations


UNFPA and MenCare campaign join Europe Day celebrations

calendar_today 08 May 2023

საქართველოს, ევროკავშირისა და უკრაინის დროშები კიდია ევროპის დღის წარწერის გვერდით
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA

This year, for the first time, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Georgia Country Office and the MenCare campaign joined the Europe Day celebrations organized by the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia

UNFPA-ის თანამშრომელი მარიკა ქურდაძე ევროპის დღეზე ახალგაზრდების საკითხებზე საუბრობს
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA

Children and their parents visiting Pavilion #11 of "Expo Georgia" joined our book reading and drawing workshop. Actor Kakha Kintsurashvili read "Luna and the Planet of Fireflies" children’s book written by Dato Gorgiladze and Tatia Nadareishvili, published in cooperation with Palitra L Publishing, while iIllustrator Tatia Nadareishvili led the workshop.

მსახიობი კახა კინწურასვილიდა ილუსტრატორი თათია ნადარეიშვილი ბავშვებთან ერთად
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA
ბავშვები კრაფტის ვორქშოფის დროს ხის სათამაშოებს აკეთებენ
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA
ზღაპრების კრებული "პატარა მამაცი გულები"
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA

"Courageous Little Hearts" - a collection of fairy tales written by authors from five Eastern Partnership countries was also launched. Georgian author, Mindia Arabuli, read his fairy tale "Pigs and Chicken in Silk Dresses", while primary school teacher Giorgi Liparishil conducted a workshop based on the fairy tale.

Two puppet shows were performed for children in the magic tent next to Pavilion #11. The puppet show “Esma Starts a Car" was performed by the Akhaltsikhe State Puppet Theater troupe, and the puppet show "Luna and the Planet of Fireflies" – by troupe of Marneuli Culture Center.

ბავშვები ჯადოსნურ კარავში თოჯინურ სპექტაკლს ესწრებიან
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA
ჯადოსნური კარვის წინ ხალხია შეგროვილი
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA

Writer and TV presenter Aleksandre Lortkipanidze, a friend of UNFPA Georgia and the campaign #MenCare The host of our stand was the host of our stand. Gifts - postcards designed by photographer Dina Oganova and Georgian illustrators: Ana Chubinidze, Ana Janelidze, Gio Jincharadze, Khatia Chitorelidze, Maya Abashidze, Maya Khutiashvili, Masholand, Sofo Kirtadze, Sonia Eliashvili and Tatia Nadareishvili - were awaiting the guests.

We would like to express our gratitude to all visitors for coming to our stand and participating in the activities, for their engagement in the book reading events and the workshops and for attending the puppet shows. The children and their parents stayed interested in the events throughout the day. We are happy and proud that both our stand and the magic tent were constantly full of guests.

UNFPA-ის სტენდთან მისულ სტუმრებს წიგნები, ბროშურები და მისალოცი ბარათები დახვდათ
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA
UNFPA-ის საქართველოს ოფისის გუნდი და სტენდის მასპინძელი ალექსანდრე ლორთქიფანიძე
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA
UNFPA-ის მოხალისეები
Photo: Gela Bedianashvili/UNFPA

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who made this day unforgettable: to each and every participant of our events, our volunteers, the troupes of Marneuli Culture Center and Akhaltsikhe State Puppet Theatre. Our special thanks go to the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia for their trust and support.