On March 24, an “Equality Corner” opened and more than 200 books have been added to the library in the community centre of the village of Vakhtangisi (Gardabni Municipality, Kvemo Kartli Region), at the initiative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and with the support of the European Union. The main topics of the books are equality, empowerment of women and girls, tolerance and human rights.
Representatives of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Georgia Country Office participated in the opening of the “Equality Corner”. At the same time, Aleksandre Lortkipanidze - Georgian author and TV presenter spoke with the students about gender equality, the importance of creating equal opportunities for girls and boys, and the value and role of literature.

Establishing “Equality Corners” in schools and libraries in different regions of Georgia is an initiative of the UNFPA and has been implemented since 2018 with the support of partner organizations. This initiative enables adolescents and young people to learn more about the concept of equality through contemporary literature.
For many years now, the UNFPA Georgia Country Office has been actively using innovative approaches to reach the target audience and thereby contribute to social changes. Literature is the universal language that allows adolescents and young people to learn more about the idea of equality and empowerment of women and girls.
The “Equality Corner” at the community centre of the village of Vakhtangisi, which is already the fifteenth in Georgia, is being launched as part of the programme “Ending Violence against Women and Girls in Georgia” (EVAWGG) jointly implemented by the UNFPA and UN Women with the support of the European Union.
Within the framework of the event, the foundation was laid for the establishment of a youth book club in the community centre, which will continue to grow and develop with the participation of bloggers from the Georgian-Azerbaijani platform - “Pəncərə/ფანჯარა” [“Window“]. The platform “Pəncərə/ფანჯარა” [“Window“] is another initiative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and coordinated by the organization "Sapari", which, with the help of the European Union, the purpose of which is to raise awareness of gender issues among Georgian and Azerbaijani youth.

At the end of the event, a puppet show “Luna and the Planet of the Fireflies” was performed, introducing the idea of equality to youth, adults, children and their parents using this unique form of storytelling. The puppet show was prepared by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), with the support of the European Union and in cooperation with the Marneuli Culture Centre.